Monday, October 17, 2011

Do You Know What You’re Doing with Your Life?

As a soon-to-be college graduate, I am confident of the direction my degree will take me. But that hasn’t always been the case. In fact, it took no less than 3 changed majors, 4 internships, 5 on-campus jobs and more info sessions than I can count to get me to this point. The Career Services Center (CSC) on campus especially helped me make decisions that realistically, I wouldn’t have made on my own. What I’m saying is it’s not easy deciding what you want to do with your life, but if you can garner some kind of interest in one area over another and pursue it, you’re well on your way to becoming a super star. Oh, and also be ready for the ominous “real world.”  
My senior year of high school, I had an epiphany: I wanted to be on TV. Not in an I’m-going-to-be-the-next-Angelina kind of epiphany. I wanted to be on the news; reporting stories, reading off of a teleprompter, working crazy hours…all of it sounded extremely appealing. Half-way through freshman Preview, however, I ran into Career Services, who asked me some questions to help me realize that I was someone who preferred options, and keeping those options open. As I learned where MU grads worked (all radio stations, news rooms and newspapers), I didn’t feel 100% satisfied with my decision. To graduate with a degree in Broadcast and Electronic Communication seemed too final—I didn’t want to be left without any other options. Alas: Communication Studies. 
To be fair, Communication Studies isn’t what I want to do with my life. Many of my classes are extremely theory-based, and while interesting, are not as applicable as How to Write Press Release 101 or Networking 2000 might have been. But I’m getting ahead of myself. An info session sponsored by none other than the CSC (funny how that happened), brought me to my senses. Instead of closing myself off with my major, which I was terrified of doing, why not supplement that major with some other things that I enjoyed? For me, those things were writing and talking speaking, er…with clients and in meetings, yes. That realization opened the Public Relations door. Most likely, if you like doing something, there is a minor/independent study out there for you, and someone to help you find it.
I am happy with the combination of communication, writing and networking that I have discovered via my Communications and Public Relations fields, an “epiphany” I might not have made without the help of that CSC Booth I visited before I even stepped foot inside a classroom. 
Jeremy Eudaly, a Career Counselor with CSC is hosting a similar session after Fall Break, on November 3rd from 3:30-4:30pm. Why not go and see what it’s all about? Besides, you might decide that you do want to be the next Angelina…the CSC can help you figure it out. RSVP to if you are interested in infusing your personality into choosing a major and making career decisions that work for you. I know it worked for me. :)


  1. Sarah- This is a great blog post! I had no idea you were influenced so early by career services. We need to reach more students at this stage. Thanks for sharing your experience! Laura Kestner
