Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Six Degrees of Separation

There is an idea that any two people in this world are connected by only six degrees of separation, or six personal connections. I recently attended a conference in St. Louis related to my career field. Like most conferences, meeting new people is the main event other than the educational programming sessions. The idea of six degrees of separation was in full force at this conference, which was a great lead into networking.

As many as 75% of jobs are not available publically. Most employers prefer referrals from employees or other people they know since they know people that have experience and are reliable. Currently networking is the main resource people and students are using to find jobs. With the semester winding down, and the prospect of several weeks of no homework and tests, start thinking about the people you will be running into over the holidays and semester break. Between friends, family, old high school friends, former employers, and distant relatives, plan to spend some time networking over break. You never know who people know and what opportunities are out there! Maybe you are just six degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon!

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